Tuesday 6 December 2011

Syria, Middle East and region’s future http://arabtimesonline.com/NewsDetails/tabid/96/smid/414/ArticleID/176926/reftab/36/Default.aspx

Domino effect’ seen

THE international community will no longer tolerate the killing of innocent people in Syria.

This was evident when the United Nations (UN) and the Arab League condemned the crimes committed by the Syrian regime against humanity.

The protests that started more than nine months ago have painful indications, which reflect the people’s need for change.

The slogans raised in most Arab springs have a number of similarities, because the people want more freedom, equality, better opportunities and jobs, in addition to ending hunger and protecting their dignity.

The remaining regimes must learn from the experiences of their counterparts in other countries. We have seen the ‘domino effect’ in the region as regimes continue to fall one after the other like domino pieces.

These regimes and those on the verge of collapse have something in common — they have been or continue to be a burden to their peoples. They have accumulated wealth worth billions of dinars by squandering public funds. As if this is not enough, they are now targeting sovereignty, struggling to give the term a new meaning to allow the use of force under the pretext of protecting humanity.


The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) area has become a potential venue for the implementation of the rebuilding projects for many important nations with shaky economies and previous long experience in the region. This happened due to the absence of genuine reforms in this part of the world, changes in the Arab world map and the international financial crisis.Due to the global power shifts and refusal to adopt the power sharing concept, many countries like Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and Syria, must use their bare hands to rebuild these nations and improve relations with their peoples, who are the driving force behind their existence and their future.

Furthermore, they must work on establishing stronger ties with trusted countries in the world based on the principles of hope and responsibility after going through a very critical, historic and complicated rebirth process.

Email: Labeed.abdal@gmail.com
By: Labeed Abdal


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