Sunday 23 January 2011

Arab world needs change

We must respect, protect our Constitution
THE RECENT Tunisian uprising, which resulted in the overthrowing of president Zine Al-Abidine Ben Ali’s government and his fleeing to Saudi Arabia, must be seriously studied by many neighboring countries and their regimes. There is a possibility that a similar uprising might be staged by the younger generation in many similarly boiling Arab countries, given the global financial crisis which is affecting the Arab world, the high rate of unemployment among the educated, political and economic unrest, high rate of corruption, no transparency in spending, lack of equal opportunities and weak freedom of expression.

The region requires a strong wave of change, since there are many regimes like the Tunisian regime which due to their unpopularity, use army to stay in power with continuous support of many international superpowers. There should be a systematic approach towards reforms instead of allowing reforms to take place on their own by people’s cries for change which are sometimes louder than cannons.

The incidents in Tunisia must guide the Arabs to move faster towards liberty, equality, development and more respect for rights of the younger generation which wants to be respected and given their birthright of dignity in their homelands instead of running away to seek those rights somewhere else.

In the GCC, particularly in Kuwait, we must preserve and protect our Constitution which is far better than the ones in countries around us, and maintain higher level of freedom. We should not forget the rule of law and must respect court verdicts, including those which punish the indicted parties.


By: Labeed Abdal

Friday 14 January 2011

ثقافة التقاضي.. نعمة على ناس ونقمة على غيرهم

القانون والواقع
ومن جانبه، قال المحامي لبيد عبدال ان ظاهرة تزايد اللجوء الى القضاء طبيعية مع تزايد عدد السكان، مشيراً الى ان الامر يبقى متطلبا انتشار الوعي العام بضرورة عدم اللجوء الى المحاكم الا عند وجود دعاوى حقيقية تقوم على سند صحيح من القانون والواقع.
وتابع: كثيرا ما تغص المحاكم بقضايا ضعيفة، وتفتقد الدليل لتصميم اصحابها على رفعها دون استشارة المختصين من اهل القانون، او باللجوء الى ادعياء مهنة المحاماة بسبب ادعاء القدرة على كتابة العقود وصحف الدعاوى بأبخس الاثمان.
واشار الى انه في تلك الاحوال لا شك ان العدالة المقدمة من المحاكمة تتأثر، بسبب كثرة الضغوط غير المبررة على القضاة والطاقم الاداري المساند، حيث يجب ان يعمل على حسم تلك الملفات وغلقها رغم ضعف مكوناتها، كما ان العالم يتجه لتشجيع العمل بالوسائل البديلة لحل المنازعات وعدم قصورها على المحاكم، كاللجوء الى التحكيم والتوفيق بين المتنازعين وتحديد من يمثلهم من المحكمين في خلافاتهم المحلية او الدولية.
وخلص الى ان دور المحامين الكويتيين مهم من خلال حسن توجيه موكليهم للوجهة الصحيحة، وعدم رفع قضاياهم الا عند عناصر قانونية متكاملة تمثل خلاصة خبرتهم القانونية، وبالتالي يتم ضمان تقديم دعاوى تستأهل الفصل والدرس القضائي، بشكل يمنع إساءة استخدام حق التقاضي بصورة عامة، سواء بسبب عمليات النصب والاحتيال من بعض مكاتب التحصيل التي تدعىيالمحاماة زوراً وبهتاناً، وتخرج عن نطاق ترخيصها، وتستولي بغير حق على أموال بعض البسطاء، أو بسبب بعض من يزعمون انهم مستشارون قانونيون في بلدهم العربي، وهم لا ترخيص لهم في الكويت أو صفة تبيح لهم الأمر نهائياً، بل يجعلهم القانون الجزائي الكويتي تحت طائلة العقاب، ومرتكبين لجريمة النصب والاحتيال التي تصل عقوبة الحبس فيها ثلاث سنوات، مع حفظ حق المجني عليهم بالتعويض

Saturday 1 January 2011

Kuwait and UN resolutions

More transparency needed in public spending

The United Nations’ (UN) Security Council approved three resolutions regarding the development of Iraq, the weapons of mass destruction and the oil for food program due to the improvement of situation in Iraq which is on its way to come back to the international community and to continue as a responsible party with regard to completing reparations to Kuwait according to UN’s Chapter VII requirements.
The resolutions expect Iraq to follow the policy of peace and security and rebuild relations with its neighbors based on more trust and honor.
Furthermore, Iraq can achieve full normalization only after returning Kuwait’s national archive and missing PoWs.
Kuwait-Iraqi relations must reach a more mature stage, as historically tension started from early sixties when the Iraqi forces started a serious build up near the borders. A real invasion took place in 1990 and now, although the Iraqi government promises to abide by UN’s charter and resolutions, some parliamentarians, Iraqi satellite channels and some people on the streets still think of Kuwait as part of Iraq and accuse the Kuwaiti government of taking undue advantage of the oil fields on the borders of the two states and unlawfully using the wealth of Iraq.
In a small comparison, Kuwait’s population is 2,789,132 and has an area of 17,818 sq kms, while Iraq’s population is 29,671,605 and its area is 438,317 sq km and has more natural resources than Kuwait.
Lets face it, there is some misunderstanding in Iraq, Kuwait is not behind any instability or unemployment or poverty there and those facts about the size of land, population and wealth of Iraq must be well highlighted and brought to light to the people in Iraq. There should be more transparency in public spending and efforts must be made to ensure the success of fixed international measures like demilitarization of some zones, demarcation of boundaries and continuous efforts from the monitoring commissions to follow full enforcement of international resolutions between the two parties for the benefit of both the countries and their people.
Moreover, better economical, social and educational projects inside both countries and between them is one great remedy to prevent any unforeseen tension, especially when it comes to showing the real picture to the younger generations and making good planning for the future.
By: Labeed Abdal - Attorney at law