Wednesday 27 July 2011

Solving US debt crisis

Parties must come together to reach a ‘middle’ ground

THE US debt, which is expected to increase to $14.3 trillion on Aug 2, requires an agreement between the Obama administration and the Republicans to raise the debt limit to avert a crisis in the local and international economies.
While the Democrats insist on avoiding imposing higher taxes on the rich, the Republicans seem keen on forcing the former to cut spending in social security, medical care and other socio-economic areas.
Disagreements between the two parties should not affect the role of America in international financial and trading systems, which are intertwined.
Furthermore, this should not affect the American role in global security and military role in many parts of the world that depend on the US to maintain their security and sovereignty. Kuwait is one of the countries supported by the US military, especially during the Desert Shield, Desert Storm, and maybe this time when we are facing threats from some militant groups in our northern neighbor due to our plan to build Mubarak Al-Kabeer port.
The two political parties in the US must come together to reach the middle ground. They should first focus on making more revenues. They should take into consideration that people in need will survive through the support of the government in the form of social and medical programs, and the rich can contribute more during the crisis to save America and its allies, as well as the world security and economy.
By: Labeed Abdal

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