Tuesday 14 June 2011

E-wars and state security

‘E-forces needed to protect the country’

According to a report published in Britain’s Guardian newspaper on May 31, 2011, the UK will be developing a cyber weapons program that will give ministers an attacking capability to help counter the growing threats to national security from cyber space. It will be part of a new range of offensive options the governments will have when they are under the attack by hackers.There is no doubt that we are living at the peak of the e-era wherein President Barack Obama is the first e-president who used the e-technology to the maximum in his campaign through Google and Youtube. We have also lately seen the e-revolutions waged through Facebook and Twitter in Tunisia and Egypt.There are also huge differences in the rules of the new e-wars as there will be a need for new e-military for special e-operations by cyber defense units ready for air, land and cyber space attacks.The battlefield will also be different where along with the conventional weapons, new cyber weapons will be included in the state armory.Countries will need special e-forces equipped with the new e-arms for the World Wide Web and its domains as it is an arena for e-conflicts without borders.The matter took high priority in many countries, including the UK after the Stuxnet virus attack which was used to disrupt Iran’s uranium enrichment program. The attack forced all countries to think more seriously about e-self defense and e-cyber security.Public government networks and e-infrastructure at airports, railroads, TV stations, army etc and in private sectors like banks, hospitals etc will get affected by such attacks and therefore, they will need to employ highly advanced and sophisticated e-army to build strong e-barriers and e-defense to avoid e-attacks from states or individuals.We need the same in Kuwait as the World Wide Web has become an open area for different types of battles.E-military and e-police are essential now and in the future to build strategic defense and protection systems to protect the actual borders, prevent economic harm and maintain security in the country.Email: Labeed.abdal@gmail.com
By: Labeed Abdal - Attorney-at-Law


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