Tuesday 29 March 2011

Libya and the Changing equastion

Planned strategy on missile strikes vital The missile strikes against Libya need to be carried out as per a planned strategy which will include the duration and the final targets as the operation might take weeks and months without any signs of progress or end in sight. There is no doubt that the international community was forced to come to rescue after seeing the brutal actions of the Libyan dictator against his people, yet there are hopes that this north African desert will not become another example of a never-ending war. However, many questions need to be answered like how long the allies will be there, who will take power when Gaddafi leaves, and how many safety valves can be placed. Also, there must be efforts to provide legitimacy to the new ruler after the actual removal of the corrupt regime. Moreover, the operations of the US, UK and France must be limited to avoid any ground wars which are costly and long, especially since we are in the middle of a global financial crisis. In light of the existing circumstances, it seems the best solution is to engage the UN forces as peace keepers with the involvement of Arab League (after heavy and limited air strikes on target sites) and propose a truce in order to manage a power transition without bloodshed and to prevent another Iraq or Afghanistan in North Africa. Email: labeed.abdal@gmail.com -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- By: Labeed Abdal http://www.arabtimesonline.com/NewsDetails/tabid/96/smid/414/ArticleID/167269/reftab/73/t/Libya-and-the-changing-equation/Default.aspx

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